This page should be using theme contemporary which cannot be initialised. Falling back to the site theme boost
- line 718 of /lib/outputlib.php: call to debugging()
- line 7432 of /lib/moodlelib.php: call to theme_config::load()
- line 685 of /lib/classes/user.php: call to get_list_of_themes()
- line 845 of /lib/classes/user.php: call to core_user::fill_properties_cache()
- line 51 of /login/signup_form.php: call to core_user::get_property_type()
- line 214 of /lib/formslib.php: call to login_signup_form->definition()
- line 317 of /lib/authlib.php: call to moodleform->__construct()
- line 80 of /login/signup.php: call to auth_plugin_base->signup_form()